Domek Letniskowy Wczasowa

698 30...
ul. Wczasowa, Gołdap, warmińsko-mazurskie
per night from
38 PLN

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
cottagefor 5 personal1190/house


Bungalow cottage, comfortable, with roofed terrace.

Bungalow consists of living-room, kitchenette, 2 bedrooms, bathroom.

Bungalow is equipped with fireplace, garden furniture, deckchairs, TV, wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi).

About us

On the premises parking lot.

Our attractions

At guests' disposal private beach, pier.

For children play-ground, swing, sandpit, slide, trampoline, carousel.


At guests' disposal bar, canteen, restaurant.


The facility is located by the lake Gołdap.


We guarantee satisfying stay and nice atmosphere.

Atrybuty / atuty

Rodzaj oferty

Ważne informacje

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bungalows in the neighborhood
accommodation in the neighborhood

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- Przejście graniczne Gołdap-Gusiew ~ 2.39 km