Pokoje Pod Jelonkiem

Pokoje Pod Jelonkiem
(+48) 53...
per night from
25 PLN
number of beds
ul. Westerplatte 9, Jaworzyna Śląska, dolnośląskie
The facility is open all year round

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
roomfor 2 person(s)450-80/person
roomfor 3 person(s)425-45/person
roomfor 4 person(s)225-45/person
roomfor 5 person(s)125-45/person
flatfor 6 person(s)225-45/person

Price for a place in a 4-person room - PLN 600/month
The price of a place in a 3-person room is PLN 700/month
Prices for double and single rooms range from PLN 50 to PLN 80 per person per night.

The price depends on the length of stay, the number of accommodated guests and the type of room.

The price includes utilities and bed linen.

We prefer long-term rental.

We issue invoices.


We offer rooms of various standards, located in the historic building of the former Evangelical rectory from 1905, which is gradually being restored to its former glory.

TV in every room.

Some rooms with bathrooms.


Independent apartments are available in the second building.

About us

We provide wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) and TV.

At guests' disposal: shared kitchen, washing machine, shared bathrooms and toilets.

We offer linen changes and cleaning upon request.

There is a parking space on the premises.

We provide a place for a barbecue and bonfire.

The facility has been open since May.

We also invite you to our second facility - Mieszkanie na Wolności.

This 6-person apartment consists of 3 bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and 2 bathrooms.

Nearby attractions

About 1 km away there is the guarded Żwirownia swimming pool and the Railway Museum with an exhibition of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Jaworzyna Śląska is a great base for tourists. It is close to both the Karkonosze Mountains and Wrocław.

Nearby there is Mount Ślęża, Książ Castle and the Palm House in Wałbrzych, and lovers of the secrets of World War II will find the underground complexes of Walim, Osówki and Włodarz.

In Świdnica, the Church of Peace, the Cathedral, historic tenement houses in the market square (10 km).

Stallion Herd in Morawa - place of annual international horse races (10 km).


The facility is located in the city center.

Medical clinic 100 m away.

Dino and Biedronka stores nearby (200 m).

300 m to the bus stop, railway station and bank.

Proximity of the economic zone - distance to Żarów - 6 km, Świdnica - 10 km, Strzegom - 8 km.


We welcome both individual guests and company employees.

We guarantee a successful stay and a nice atmosphere.

Atrybuty / atuty

Rodzaj oferty
pokoje dwuosobowe
pokoje trzyosobowe
pokoje czteroosobowe
pokoje wieloosobowe
parking prywatny
W pokojach / domkach
kuchnia ogólnodostępna
naczynia i sztućce
płyta grzewcza
miejsce na ognisko
Wyposażenie łazienek
piesze wycieczki / nordic walking
Oferta dla

Ważne informacje

zadatek w wysokości 5% opłaty za cały pobyt , który należy wpłacić w ciągu 12 godzin od złożenia rezerwacji
możliwe od godziny 16:00 do 21:00.
możliwe od godziny 08:00 do 10:00
obiekt całoroczny

send e-mail

Pobliskie miejscowości

Strzegom ~7.7 km
Świdnica ~9.0 km

Poszukiwane miejsca w okolicy

- Muzeum Przemysłu i Kolejnictwa na Śląsku w Jaworzynie Śląskiej ~ 265 m
- Stacja Kolejowa Jaworzyna Śląska ~ 421 m
- Kościół Św. Józefa Oblubieńca Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Jaworzynie Śląskiej ~ 461 m
- Katolicki Cmentarz Komunalny w Jaworzynie Śląskiej ~ 850 m